CCC maintains a record of all currently managed devices, and the services provisioned on those devices. You can use the reporting feature to generate and view reports that provide detailed information for all of your managed devices, or all of your provisioned services. You can view, search, and sort a report in CCC, print it, or export it to a comma separated values (CSV) file you can import into a spreadsheet. The CSV report contains some additional details not provided in the standard viewable/printable report.
CCC analyzes each of your managed devices to collect the data provided in the report. This may take a significant amount of time.
Services Report
The Services Report provides detailed information about each service managed by CCC. The report includes the following information for each provisioned service:
Name of the service
Who created the service and when it was created
Whether the service is initialized, and who initialized it
Number of clients assigned to the service
HA group name, if the service is provided by an HA group
Detailed information about the partitions used to provide the service, including partition names and serial numbers; and details about the device used to host the partition, including device name, software version, firmware version, number of clients using the partition, and the client IP addresses.
The report also provides details about the unimported partitions of managed devices, including placeholder service name and some partition information.
To generate and view a services report
Click on the Reports tab, and select Services Report in the navigation frame.
Click the Generate Report button. A report listing all of the currently provisioned services and unimported partitions of managed devices is displayed. The initial view provides the following summary information for each service:
PPSO Indicates whether the Per-Partition Security Officer feature is enabled or disabled for the service. Transport Indicates the transport type configured for client connections to the service, NTLS, STC, or Mismatch. Mismatch indicates that there is a combination of NTLS and STC configuration which should be corrected. Created By Name of the user that created the service. Date Created Time and date the service was created. Initialized By Name of the user that initialized the service. Initialization State Indicates whether the service is initialized. Clients Number of clients assigned to the partition. HA Group Name of the HA group used to provide the service. -
To view detailed information for each partition used to provide a service, click on the + button. The following information is displayed for each partition:
Partition Name Name of the partition. PPSO Indicates whether the Per-Partition Security Officer feature is enabled or disabled for the partition. Transport Indicates the transport type configured for client connections to the partition, NTLS or STC.
If there is a service which is created on CCC for STC connections, the STC status is "Pending" and the Transport is displayed as "NTLS" until the service is deployed to an application user and the STC link is established.
Serial Partition serial number. Device Name Name of the device that the partition resides on. Appliance Version Specifies the software version installed on the device. Device Firmware Specifies the firmware version installed on the device. Clients Specifies the number of clients assigned to the partition. Not available for partitions with both STC and PPSO configured. Client List The IP addresses of the clients assigned to the partition. STC Fingerprint A hash of the partition identity public key used to establish STC links. Note
You can search and sort the reports, print them, or export them to a comma separated values (CSV) file for import into a spreadsheet.
The service report is completed even if there are devices that could not be accessed.
Devices Report
The Devices Report provides the following information for each managed device:
Device name
Software and firmware installed on the device
Number of clients authorized to authenticate to the device
Total, used, and free storage space
Maximum allowed number of partitions and the number of used partitions. These columns are hidden by default.
To generate and view a devices report
Click on the Reports tab, and select Devices Report in the navigation frame.
Click the Generate Report button. A report listing the following information for each managed device is displayed:
Name Specifies the device name. Authentication Specifies whether the device requires PED or Password authentication. PPSO Specifies whether the HSM policy allowing Per-Partition Security Officer is enabled or disabled. STC Specifies whether the HSM policy allowing Secure Trusted Channel is enabled or disabled. Serial Specifies the serial number of the device. Appliance Version Specifies the device software version. Firmware Specifies the device firmware version. Functional Module (FM) Specifies if the device is FM enabled, disabled or FM incapable. Clients Specifies the clients assigned to the partition. Licenses Specifies the number of partitions licensed to the device. Used Space Specifies the amount of space that is used on the partition. Size Specifies the size of the partition. Note
The Free Space column that specifies the amount of free space on the partition is hidden by default, but can be displayed by filtering.
Click the + button to view detailed information for each managed partition provisioned on the device:
Name Specifies the name of the partition. PPSO Indicates whether the partition policy allowing Per-Partition Security Officer is enabled or disabled. Transport Indicates whether the partition is configured for NTLS or STC client connections.
If there is a service which is created on CCC for STC connections, the STC status is "Pending" and the Transport is displayed as "NTLS" until the service is deployed to an application user and the STC link is established.
Serial Specifies the partition serial number. Clients Specifies the number of clients assigned to the partition. Client List Specifies the IP addresses of the clients assigned to the partition. Object Count Specifies the number of objects on the partition. STC Fingerprint A hash of the partition identity public key used to establish STC links. Used Space Specifies the amount of space that is used on the partition. Size Specifies the size of the partition. Free Space Specifies the amount of free space on the partition. Note
You can search and sort the reports, print them, or export them to a comma separated values (CSV) file for import into a spreadsheet.
The device report is completed even if there are devices that could not be accessed.
Working With Reports
You can search and sort the reports, print them, or export them to a comma separated values (CSV) file for import into a spreadsheet.
Searching a Report
You can search a report to filter the list of services or devices to display only matching records.
Filtering a Report
You can control which columns are displayed in the on screen report. Click on the hamburger menu button on the top right of the report. A list of the columns appears, indicating which columns are currently displayed and which are hidden. Clicking on an individual column changes its states from displayed to hidden, or from hidden to displayed.
Exporting a Report to a CSV File
You can export the report to a comma separated values (CSV) file for import into a spreadsheet. The CSV reports include additional information that is not included in the standard reports. CCC analyzes each of your managed devices to collect the data provided in the report. This may take a significant amount of time.
Information included in the Services report CSV file
The Services report CSV file contains a row for each service managed by CCC. Each row contains the following columns:
name | Service name. |
description | Service description. |
service_organization | Organization that owns the service. |
created_date | Date that the service was created. |
created_by | Name of the user who created the service. |
initialized_by | Name of the user who initialized the service. |
state | Service initialization state. Either INITIALIZED or null. |
device_name | Name of the device used to host the partition used to provide the service. |
clients | Lists the clients assigned to the partition. |
partition_serial_number | Partition serial number. If importing to Excel, format the cell as a number with no decimal places to display the correct serial number. |
partition_name | Partition name. |
partition_label | Partition label. |
partition_size | Partition size. |
partition_object_count | The number of objects stored in the partition. |
partition_used_space | The used space on the partition. |
partition_free_space | The free (unused) space on the partition. |
stc_pending_state | Indicates if the STC state is pending for the service, meaning that the STC policy has not yet been enabled on the partition, but will be once an application user establishes an STC connection. |
stc | Indicates if the STC policy is enabled on the partition. |
ppso | Indicates if the PPSO policy is enabled on the partition. |
stc_fingerprint | A hash of the partition identity public key used to establish STC links. |
Information included in the Devices report CSV file
The Devices report CSV file contains a row for each partition on each device managed by CCC. Each row contains the following columns:
name | Device name. |
description | Device description. |
authentication | Device authentication type. |
state | Device state. |
clients | Clients assigned to the partition. |
device_appliance_version | Device software version. |
device_firmware_version | Device firmware version. |
functionality_Modules | Specifies if the device is FM enabled, disabled or FM incapable. |
device_total_space | Total space on the device. |
device_total_licenses | The number of partitions licensed on the device. |
device_network_replication | The setting of HSM policy 16: Allow Network Replication. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
device_cloning | Whether the device supports cloning. 0 = no, 1 = yes. |
device_serial_number | Device serial number. If importing to Excel, format the cell as a number with no decimal places to display the correct serial number. |
device_partition_count | The number of partitions currently configured on the device. |
device_free_space | Device free space. |
service_name | The name of the service configured on the device partition. |
service_created_date | The date that the service hosted on the partition was created. |
service_created_by | The name of the user who created the service hosted on the partition. |
service_initialized_by | The name of the user who initialized the service hosted on the partition, if it is initialized. |
service_state | Service initialization state. Either INITIALIZED or null. |
partition_serial_number | Partition serial number. If importing to Excel, format the cell as a number with no decimal places to display the correct serial number. |
partition_name | Partition name. |
partition_label | Partition label. |
partition_size | Partition size. |
partition_object_count | The number of objects stored in the partition. |
partition_used_space | The used space on the partition. |
partition_free_space | The free (unused) space on the partition. |
stc_pending_state | Indicates if the STC state is pending for the service, meaning that the STC policy has not yet been enabled on the partition, but will be once an application user establishes an STC connection. |
stc | Indicates if the STC policy is enabled on the partition. |
ppso | Indicates if the PPSO policy is enabled on the partition. |
stc_fingerprint | A hash of the partition identity public key used to establish STC links. |
To export a report to a CSV file
Click the Export to CSV button on the report page. Exporting to CSV requires CCC to analyze each of your managed devices to collect the data provided in the report. This may take a significant amount of time. You are asked to confirm the action. On some browsers, you are prompted to open or save the file, or cancel the action.
The exported CSV report includes data from both the available and inaccessible devices. In case of service CSV report, one row is shown for each service and NA is populated in case of specific unknown fields for the services created on non accessible devices. In case of device CSV report, one row is shown for every specific accessible or non accessible device and NA is populated in case of specific unknown fields.
Printing a Report
To print the currently displayed report:
Generate the report.
Click the Print button. The browser's print dialog is displayed.
Select your print options as required.
Regenerating a Report with More Recent Data
When you generate a report, the data from that time is cached in the browser. Every time you return to one of the Reports pages, the most recent generated report data is displayed. If you would like to regenerate the report with more recent data, you must clear the existing report. To regenerate a report:
Navigate to the Device Report or Service Report page.
Click on the Clear button to delete the current report.
You are returned to the main Report page.
Click the Generate Report button.